Alpha Flight | Marvel Church (2024)



Alpha Flight is a Canadian superhero team that joins MSF as a dual-purpose team that will shine on War Defense and in Raids, specifically Spotlight Raids where they are one of the two required teams. This increases their value as a team and makes Alpha Flight worth investing in.

It’s a Hero Global team that includes new characters like Guardian, Northstar, and Sasquatch as well as 2 reworked characters to complete the team – Wolverine and Sunfire.


Team Members

Alpha Flight | Marvel Church (1)

(left to right)

  • Sasquatch
  • Wolverine
  • Guardian
  • Sunfire
  • Northstar



  • Alliance War Defense
  • Spotlight Raids

Alpha Flight is a dual-purpose team – they will be incredible in Raids and on War Defense.

On War Defense, they will represent an impenetrable wall for most opposing teams and are unbelievably powerful. But a lot of their abilities are “turned off” once they gain Exhausted, so while on Defense they can get one win easily, the second time they are attacked it will be much simpler to beat them.

Alpha Flight will also be excellent in Raids, primarily Spotlight Raids, where they are one of the two required teams to complete the Raid. They can also be used in any of the older raids that have no Origin restriction or in Greek Raid. You might even find some use for them inside Incursion Raids, although they can only be used as a full team on the Final Boss node.


Team Placement & Turn Order

Sasquatch is the Protector and goes to one corner, Wolverine is next to him because he has great self-sustain and can take a few hits and Guardian is in the middle, leading the charge as any leader should. In the other corner is Northstar and Sunfire is between him and Guardian.

Turn Order:

  1. Northstar
  2. Guardian
  3. Wolverine
  4. Sasquatch
  5. Sunfire


Iso-8 Classes

  • Sasquatch – Striker/Skirmisher
  • Wolverine – Raider/Skirmisher
  • Guardian – Striker
  • Sunfire – Raider
  • Northstar – Skirmisher/Raider

Sasquatch is a great Striker because he gets Defense Up with the follow-up attack. And when he has Defense Up and is not Exhausted, the Alpha Flight team gets +100% Extra Damage in Raids and War Defense. The situation is the same with Guardian who is ideal as a Striker since he gains Regeneration with the follow-up attack. And in War Defense and Raids, while the Guardian has Regeneration and is not Exhausted, the Alpha Flight team gets +50% Armor.

Note that Sasquatch in Raids has a 100% chance to Counterattack, after which he also gets Defense Up. So in Raids, he will be better as a Skirmisher, and apply as many Vulnerables as possible to opponents and remove as many buffs from them as possible.


Wolverine is a good Raider because he attacks multiple enemies with his Special, but if you find that the team doesn’t apply enough Vulnerable effects, you can switch Wolverine to Skirmisher.

Sunfire is an excellent Raider because, with Ultimate, he attacks all opponents. And with Basic, he has 100% Crit Chance in Raids. So Raider comes in handy to do as much damage as possible. Depending on the Iso-8 Class of the other members of the Alpha Flight team, Sunfire can also be a Striker.

Northstar can be a Raider or a Skirmisher. In the beginning, until we have enough Yellow/Red Star for him, it is better to be a Skirmisher because he can apply crucial debuffs, flip buffs, and remove Revive Once from the opponents. Once we have more Stars on him and Focus is no longer an issue, he will be better as a Raider.


Team T4’s


  • Sasquatch – Ultimate, Special, and Passive
  • Northstar – Passive and Special
  • Guardian – Passive
  • Sunfire – Passive and Special
  • Wolverine – Passive

Sasquatch with Max Level Ultimate will apply Trauma (2 turns) to all enemies on War Defense or in Raids and with Special Safeguard (1 turn) to the Alpha Flight team (any game mode). Maxed Passive in Raids and War Defense, will grant +100% Max Health, and while he has Defense up and is not Exhausted, the Alpha Flight team gets +100% Extra Damage. More Health, more Damage for the entire team, Safeguard for your allies, and Trauma for your opponents. Because of all of that, Ultimate, Special, and Passive are must-haves.

Northstar Passive provides 2 Evade on Spawn to the entire team. Also, In Raids and on War Defense, if Northstar is not Exhausted, enemies cannot gain Charged. His Passive is one of the most important upgrades for the team because it can neutralize dangerous opponents with the Charged mechanic. While with maxed Special, Northstar applies Blind to the primary target for 2 turns (up from 1 turn). Increased control through an additional turn of Blind on one of the enemies makes this upgrade essential.


Guardian Passive at Max Level increases the Barrier he applies to himself and all allies on Spawn to 20% of his Max Health (up from +10%). In Raids and War Defense, if he is not Exhausted, while he has Regeneration, the Alpha Flight team gains +50% Armor. A passive that further strengthens the mitigation for the whole team.

Maxing Wolverine’s Passive gives him Defense Up and 2 Deathproof when he drops below 60% Health. In Raid and War Defense (if there are 3 more Alpha Flight allies), enemies cannot gain Stealth. This upgrade can be crucial, as certain opponents benefit greatly from getting Stealth.

While having Offense Up and not Exhausted, Sunfire and all Alpha Flight allies gain +100% Drain in Raids and War Defense. We get this if we max out his Passive. It is a crucial upgrade that increases the team’s sustain. His Special at Max Level allows him to take his turn immediately because it fills his Speed ​​Bar by +100% (up from +60%) and applies Offense Up and Counter to all allies (up from 3 random allies).



  • Wolverine – Special, Ultimate
  • Sunfire – Ultimate
  • Guardian – Ultimate
  • Northstar – Basic

Wolverine Special has higher Piercing and Rebound Chain to 5 enemies (up from 3-4 targets). It also applies 2 Bleed on primary and secondary targets (up from 1). This upgrade enables a significantly higher number of hits on opponents (higher damage), thus more Bleed. By maxing his Ultimate, we get a similar effect. He will do additional damage and apply more Bleed to the primary target. This can be useful because if he kills his target with the Ultimate ability, Wolverine repeats this attack, targeting the most injured enemy. It is in our interest that he does as much damage as possible.


If we max Sunfire Ultimate, we get significantly higher damage output. Because it does more Piercing and +75% damage per Offense Up (up from +50% damage per Offense Up). Sunfire will have Offense Up for more than 1 Turn most of the time, so the damage can increase quite a lot.

Northstar with maxed Basic does more damage, but more importantly, if he has 10 Charged, he applies Trauma to the primary target. Trauma is one of the most important (if not the most important) debuffs in the MSF game. It is incredible to apply it with just a Basic attack.

Guardian’s Ultimate will only increase the damage he will deal, but it adds up to 120% Piercing Damage on multiple targets, so it is a good upgrade to have.


Team Red Stars

Getting 7 Red Stars on newer characters (Sasquatch, Guardian, and Northstar) shouldn’t be complicated, as long as you open Elite Red Star Orbs when they are featured there. Wolverine and Sunfire are older characters so plenty of players might have them at high Red Stars already.

You could also get Red Stars for them from the Incursion Campaign:

  • 7 Red Stars for Wolverine – Incursion 6-7
  • 7 Red Stars for Sunfire – Incursion 8-4

Wolverine and Sunfire can also benefit from having Diamonds on them since they should be maxed out for all of the long-time players. But we do not recommend spending Silver Diamond Credits on them.


Farming Locations

  • Wolverine – Daily Objectives
  • Sunfire – Blitz Store, Spotlight Raid Orb

On Spawn Buffs


  • Entire team – Defense Up (2 turns), 2 Deathproof, Barrier for 20% of Guardian’s Max Health, Offense Up (2 turns), 1 Regeneration, 2 Evades

In War Defense and Raids

  • Entire team – Safeguard (2 turns), 6 Ability Energy to everyone (only in Raids)


Team Mechanics

Alpha Flight is a unique team because all members possess specific advantages in two game modes – War Defense and Raids. They are necessary for Spotlight Raids, which provide excellent rewards, so we cannot neglect them.

Sasquatch is a Protector who attacks the primary target with Basic and gains Defense Up and Deflect. In Raids and War Defense, after a Basic attack, he removes 1 random negative effect from himself and all Alpha Flight allies.

His Special Removes all Barrier on all enemies, attacks the primary target, applies Slow, and reduces the Speed ​​Bar of that target by 100%. After that, he applies Safeguard to himself and all Alpha Flight allies. Strengthening your whole team is already a great feature of this ability, but being able to completely rewind the turn bar of one enemy is also priceless since it can be life-saving in a lot of circ*mstances.


With the Ultimate ability, Sasquatch, like with the Special, removes all Barriers on all opponents. Then he attacks the primary and adjacent targets, applies Offense Down (2 turns) to all enemies, and prolongs the duration of all positive effects on himself by 1. This attack gains +500% extra Focus. In Raids and War Defense, he applies Trauma (2 turns) to all enemies. Ability by which Sasquatch extends his buffs while at the same time reducing the offensive potential of the entire opposing team. It is crucial that enemies do not resist Trauma, and additional Focus helps a lot.

Sasquatch passively (on any turn) if his Health is greater or equal to 75% and he doesn’t have Taunt, gains Taunt for 2 Turns. In other words, any time he has more than three-quarters of Health, he also has Taunt. And when he drops below 35% Health, he gains Stealth (2 turns) and applies 2 Deathproof and 2 Regeneration to himself and all Alpha Flight allies. On enemy Death, Sasquatch heals himself for 5% of his Max Health.


In Raids, he has a 100% chance to Counterattack. Considering he is a protector who often has Taunt, most of the opponent’s attacks will aimed at him. It means he will frequently perform Counterattack.

In Raids and on War Defense, if not Exhausted, Sasquatch provides Safeguard on Spawn, +50% Extra Drain, and +100% Extra Damage to the Alpha Flight team. He gets +100% Max Health and, on any enemy’s death, applies Offense Down to all enemies. Sasquatch passively increases the offensive potential of his team and reduces it to the opponents in those 2 game modes.


Wolverine’s duty in the Alpha Flight team is to deal as much damage as possible and inflict as many Bleed on opponents. With his Basic attack, he does exactly that. While in Raids and War Defense, he also applies Disrupt. It is important to note that Wolverine does Piercing with all his abilities (ignores the opponent’s Armor).

With the Special ability, he attacks the primary target, applies 2 Bleed, then performs a Rebound Chain to 5 targets and applies Bleed. He gains +100% Crit Chance on each secondary target. This attack cannot be blocked or countered. Special attacks a bunch of opponents, while Ultimate focuses on one. Namely, he gains Offense Up (2 turns), removes Deathproof from the primary target, and attacks it with an unavoidable and unblockable attack, dealing colossal Piercing damage. Wolverine repeats it on the most injured enemy if he kills the first target with this attack.


His Passive gives him solid sustain. On Turn, he heals for 20% of his Max Health, and when he drops below 60% he gains Defense Up and 2 Deathproof. When below 50% HP, Wolverine gains +100% Block Chance. On Death, he has a 25% chance to Revive with 50% of Mah Health.

In Raids and on War Defense, when Wolverine has Deathproof, the Alpha Flight team gets +200% Resistance. Alpha Flight starts every battle with 2 Deathproof, thanks to the Sasquatch’s Passive. So (at least at the beginning and in many cases throughout the whole battle) the Alpha Flight team will have extra Resistance. Whenever an enemy dies in Raids and on War Defense, Wolverine prolongs the duration of all negatives on all enemies by +1 (except Trauma, Stun, and Ability Block). And (also in Raids and War Defense) if there are 3 or more Alpha Flight allies, Wolverine prevents opponents from gaining Stealth.


Guardian is a Brawler that gets Regeneration every time he uses Basic. And passively, while he has Regeneration (in Raids and on War Defense), the Alpha Flight team gets +50% Armor. This is very important for the mitigation of the whole team. Basic also attacks primary and chains to 1 adjacent target, and applies Defense Down (on both targets).

With Special, he applies Offense Up to himself and all allies then attacks primary and adjacent targets, and applies Defense Down (2 turns if maxed 1 turn if not) and Slow (2 turns). He cannot miss with this attack and cannot be Blocked. The Special has a short cooldown, so it’s great for boosting the team’s offensive capabilities while at the same time reducing the opponents’ defensive.


Guardian’s Ultimate flips Immunity on the primary target, then applies Stun. Attacks primary and adjacent targets with Piercing damage 2 times. Flips Taunt and applies Defense Down (2 turns) to each target. He gains +500% extra Focus for this Unavoidable attack. A functional move that deals immense damage, controls one of the opponents, removes Taunt (if any of the targets have it), and reduces the opponent’s defensive potential.

Guardian applies Assist Now to 1 random Alpha Flight ally on turn. So, he will always have support from an ally. On enemy death, he applies Defense Down to all enemies. In Raids and on War Defense (if not Exhausted), Guardian will Barrier self and all Alpha Flight allies for 5% of his Max health on enemy Death.


Sunfire has a unique mechanic on his Special, which allows him to use his Ultimate (big Unavoidable Piercing AOE attack) for two consecutive turns. Namely, he can start the fight with Ultimate, and on his second turn, when he uses Special, he will get +100% Speed ​​Bar, remove Disrupted from himself, and apply +2 Offense Up and +2 Counters. He will also give those buffs to the entire team (but just 1 of each). He passively increases damage if he has Counter. And for every Offense Up he has, he gets additional damage on his Ultimate attack. After doing all that, he will get 5 Ability Energy and enable himself to play immediately after using the Special. Then, he can use Ultimate for the second time.

He is a Blaster who passively supplies the team with Ability Energy and deals devastating Piercing damage to opponents.


With Basic, he attacks the primary target with Piercing damage and applies +1 Bleed per Offense Up on himself (up to a max of 3). In Raids, his Basic will always Crit (has +100% Crit Chance).

Sunfire passively gains +1 Offense Up at the end of his turn (up to a max of 5). When he has Counter, he gets +10% to Damage (+20% in Raids and War Defense). And when he has Speed ​​Up, he gets +10% to Speed ​​(+20% in Raids and on War Defense).

In Raids and on War Defense, Sunfire generates 1 Ability Energy for self and all Alpha Flight allies on enemy Death. When he has Offense Up and is not Exhausted, the entire Alpha Flight team gains +100% Drain.


Northstar is a Controller that has a Charged Mechanic. Whenever someone from the Alpha Flight team is attacked he gains +1 Charged (10 max). At the beginning of each fight, Northstar clears all Charged from self, so it cannot transfer Charged from previous fights (which is bad, especially for Raid, but that would have made him too powerful on War Defense). Charged improves his Basic, Special, and Ultimate. Namely, with Basic, he attacks the primary target, and his Damage is increased by +25% per Charged. If he has 1 or more Charged he applies Offense Down to the primary target, and if he has 10 Charged, he applies Trauma to the primary target.

With Special, he will attack the primary target and apply Blind (2 turns). If he has Charged, Northstar will Rebound Chain to the number of adjacent targets equal to the number of Charged he has (max 10). He has a 50% chance to apply Blind on each secondary attack (100% in Raids). Counterattack breaks this Chain. But this attack is Unavoidable and cannot be blocked. With this and a little luck, Northstar can Blind all opponents in Raids.


With Ultimate, Northstar attacks all opponents, flipping all positive effects beforehand and clearing Revive Once from all enemies. Gains +10% Damage per Charged. Applies Slow (2 turns) and Disrupted (1 turn) to all targets. Ultimate also prolongs the duration of all negative effects (excluding Stun, Trauma, and Ability Block) if maxed. This Unavoidable attack clears Charged from all enemies on War Defense. This move can determine the course of the battle (especially on War Defense).

On enemy Death, Northstar, with his Passive, applies Speed ​​Up to himself and all Alpha Flight allies. In Raids, enemy characters cannot fill Speed ​​Bar for themselves or allies (this does not apply to Speed ​​Bar gained through normal means) thanks to Northstar Passive.


In Raids and on War Defense, while Northstar does not have Exhausted, Alpha Flight team members cannot gain Slow and cannot have their Speed ​​Bar reduced, and enemies cannot gain Charged. Also, in Raids and on War Defense, on enemy Death, Northstar applies Slow to all enemies. The entire Alpha Flight has +25% Speed ​​in those 2 game modes.

This Passive (together with Sasquatch’s Passive) makes Alpha Flight one of the best (if not the best) in Raids and War Defense.

Sasquatch provides +50% Armor, +50% Drain (+100% in Raids and War Defense), and +100% Damage (in Raids and War Defense if had Defense Up and not Exhausted) to the team.


Wolverine provides +200% Resistance (in Raids and War Defense if had Deathproof and not Exhausted) to the team.

Guardian provides +50% Max Health (+100% in Raids and War Defense), +50% Damage, and +50% Armor (in Raids and War Defense if had Regeneration and not Exausted) to the team.

Sunfire provides +100% Drain (in Raids and War Defense if had Offense Up and not Exausted) to the team.

Northstar provides +50% Resistance, +250% Focus (in Raids and War Defense if not Exhausted), and +25% Speed (in Raids and War Defense)


Combat Tips & Tricks

We will not use the Alpha Flight team much outside of Raids because in War they will be on Defense. In Crucible they might also find some use cases, either on Defense as well, or by using individual characters as plug-and-play options. However, this team will be used daily in Spotlight Raids. And that’s why you should invest in them. As for Raids and War Defense, Alpha Flight is well-rounded and full of buffs, and their stats are more than double compared to their stats outside of those 2 game modes. When and if they win a fight on War Defense, they get Exhausted, and then they become quite an easy target compared to the first fight.


In Raids, thanks to Sunfire Passive, we can simulate battles with them. And if we’re playing manually, there’s not much that we should really care about. They have superior opponent control and are able to take Revive Once off all opponents and prevent them from getting Charged. Every time Alpha Flight kills someone, they passively put a bunch of debuffs on others (enemies). Meaning one of the most successful strategies would be to focus on lower health targets (similar tactic as we use with Hive-Mind).

They use Safeguard to protect their buffs and Trauma to prevent the opponent’s debuffs from escaping. They can flip all buffs to all opponents. One word – META Raid team.

Outside of Raids and War Defense, Alpha Flight loses an additional +25% to Speed, ​​which can hurt a lot. So, their value outside of those two game modes is lessened. The friendliest tip is to upgrade them as much as you need for Spotlight Raids but not to max them out. Save your precious recourses for more crucial Characters/Teams. If something changes in the meantime, expect an update on this page.

If you have any questions about Alpha Flight or need any help with MSF feel free to reach out to us via our Discord:


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Alpha Flight | Marvel Church (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Job: Construction Agent

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.