Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (2024)

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Raid Shadow Legends Counterattack is a skill that allows self or allies to counterattack enemies whenever they are attacked. Champions with Counterattack buff will always use their basic attack (A1 aka Ability 1) to attack their enemies and the damage will be inflicted at 75% damage and does not reduce their Turn Meter. This Counterattack Buff is useful against enemies who are faster than you and great against enemies who are AoE attackers. To efficiently defeat enemies who have Counter Attack buff, apply Crowd Control debuff on them such as Stun and Freeze to prevent them from retaliating. Alternatively, you can remove or steal their Counter Attack buff depending on the champions you owned.

Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (1)


When attacked, the Champion with this buff retaliates against the attacker using their Default Skill which inflicts 75% damage. Counterattack once when attacked with a multi hit skill. Does not counterattack in response to the enemy’s counterattack. Does not count as a Turn.

Counter Attack Champions (44)

Counter Attack (AoE)


  1. Alaz the Sunbearer (BA-MDF)


  1. Acelin the Stalwart (BL-LDS)
  2. Martyr (SO-LDS)
  3. Valkyrie (BA-LDS)


  1. Skullcrusher (OT-EDF)




Counter Attack (Self)


  1. Galleus Bloodcrest (SW-MAF)
  2. Nais the Shadowthief (SY-MAM)


  1. Angar (OR-LHV)
  2. Arix (KR-LHM)
  3. Ginro the Stork (SK-LDV)
  4. Gnut (DW-LDS)
  5. Korugar Death-Bell (OT-LHF)
  6. Nari the Lucky (DW-LDF)
  7. Samson the Masher (SW-LHS)
  8. Strategos Islin (HE-LDM)
  9. Truath (DE-LHM)


  1. Arndulf (BL-EDM)
  2. Atur (BA-EHM)
  3. Duedan the Runic (SY-EHF)
  4. Gory (SK-EAS)
  5. Rock Breaker (DW-EDS)
  6. Seneschal (BL-EDF)
  7. Skeuramis (HE-EHM)
  8. Tallia (SO-EAM)
  9. Wuji (SK-EAF)
  10. Wuzgar (OT-EHS)


  1. Cudgeler (DW-RAM)
  2. Elder (BA-RDM)
  3. Executioner (KR-RDM)
  4. Graybeard (SW-RDM)
  5. Guardian (KR-RHS)
  6. Malbranche (DS-RAV)
  7. Marquis (DS-RDV)
  8. Misericord (BL-RAM)
  9. Penitent (SO-RDS)
  10. Retainer (DE-RDV)
  11. Skullsworn (LZ-RAF)
  12. Spymaster (BL-RHF)
  13. Teryx the Restless (LZ-RDV)


  1. Crusher (BA-UDS)


Counter Attack (Target)



  1. Fyna Blade of Aravia (HE-LSM)


  1. ji*zoh (LZ-EDS)
  2. Tomoe (SK-ESF)


  1. Riscarm (BL-RDS)



Passive Counter Attack Champions (25)

Passive Counter Attack (Self)


  1. Karnage the Anarch (DS-MAS)
  2. Toshiro the Bloody (SK-MAM)


  1. Cleopterix (SW-LAS)
  2. Cupidus (SO-LAS)
  3. Khoronar (SW-LHV)
  4. Legate Teox (LZ-LAS)
  5. Little Miss Annie (UH-LAV)
  6. Marius the Gallant (SW-LDV)
  7. Mathias Blackflail (SO-LHF)
  8. The Incarnate (HE-LDF)
  9. Vault Keeper Wixwell (SO-LDF)


  1. Baerdal Fellhammer (DW-EAV)
  2. Delaaja (LZ-EHS)
  3. Endalia (HE-EHM)
  4. Gory (SK-EAS)
  5. Inquisitor Shamael (SO-EAV)
  6. Morag Bronzelock (DW-EDS)
  7. Prundar (OT-EDV)
  8. Snorting Thug (SW-EHF)
  9. Umetogi (SK-EAM)


  1. Hatchet Slinger (DW-RAS)
  2. Heiress (HE-RAF)
  3. Justiciar (SO-RDV)
  4. Longsword Torrux (KR-RDS)



  1. Deathknight (UH-CHM)

Leave a Reply

  1. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (2)Ayumilove Post author

    @Jack: Baerdal Fellhammer is now relocated to the passive section of the CounterAttack champion list.

  2. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (3)Ayumilove Post author

    @NagaHU: Riscarm is now available in the CounterAttack champion list!

  3. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (4)Sajid

    Guys what is the best Champions for dealing damage to clan boss with counter attack buff?

  4. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (5)NagaHU

    Riscarm (Rare, Banner Lords) can place counterattack on an ally or himself.

  5. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (6)Jack

    Baerdals counter attack is via his passive. Should move him over to the correct section.

  6. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (7)Ayumilove Post author

    @all: Added Cleopterix, Misericord, Prundar and Umetogi to the Counterattack champion list!

  7. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (9)Chris

    What are the conditions for Litte Miss Annie to counter attack? Cant seem to find it anywhere. Thanks in advance.

  8. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (10)Ayumilove Post author

    @Nemnen: He will not counterattack if his allies are attacked by enemy regardless if he has Counter Attack buff or Retaliation Set or Avenging Set. He will only counterattack whenever the enemy performs a direct hit on him.

  9. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (11)Andy

    Drokgul can Not Counter all friends

  10. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (12)Nemnen

    If a character puts ally protection on his allies and has retaliation item will he counterattack when his allies are attacked?

  11. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (13)Ayumilove Post author

    @Dirge: Drokgul the Gaunt and Little Miss Annie have a unique skill that counterattacks the enemy when the condition is fulfilled.

  12. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (14)Dirge

    Drokgul the Gaunt doesn’t have the ability to cast Counterattack on anyone, so he shouldn’t be on this list. Little Miss Annie also doesn’t have the Counterattack skill..

  13. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (15)Ayumilove Post author

    @Ryan: Since there aren’t many champions with single-target Counterattack buff cast to another champion, it is categorized under (Self) Counter Attack list. I have created a new section to put ji*zoh there.

  14. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (16)Ayumilove Post author

    @Raze27: ji*zoh AI seems to place the Counterattack buff to the highest HP champion at the moment.

  15. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (17)Raze27

    When using ji*zoh on Auto, how does the game determine which Champion the Counterattack is placed on? Highest HP? Highest Attack?

  16. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (18)Ryan

    Why is there no target ally counter attack category?
    Why is ji*zoh listed under (self) counter attack?

  17. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (19)Ayumilove Post author

    @Kellinz: I have added Angar to the Champion Counterattack skill list!

  18. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (20)Ayumilove Post author

    @Thegoodman: I have added Snorting Thug to the Champion Counterattack skill list!

  19. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (21)Ayumilove Post author

    @Hawkology: Relickeeper does not proc Extra Turn on his A1 when he kills an enemy with Counterattack buff. I have tested this on Campaign Brutal 12-3 by pairing Relickeeper with Martyr.

  20. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (22)Kellinz

    You’re missing Angar on this list. Void legendary orc.

  21. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (23)Thegoodman

    Snorting Thug has a passive counter attack.

  22. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (24)hawkology

    Does the extra turn proc if a Relickeeper kills?

  23. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (25)Hawkology

    Does the extra turn proc if my Relickeeper counterattack and kills?

  24. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (26)Ayumilove Post author

    @ArdenPhyre:I used Selfless on a Defender Champion to soak up the enemy’s incoming damage in Arena and I do not notice it triggering Counter Attack at all.

  25. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (27)ArdenPhyre

    Has anyone checked if Selfless Defender (R5 defense mastery) triggers a counter-attack?

  26. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (28)RaidWarrior

    Death knight can counterattack, does not have counterattack buff

  27. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (29)Destroyer39

    Please add a target category, for champions like ji*zoh.

  28. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (30)Symphony2

    ji*zoh does not do a self buff. he buffs any choisen target.
    U cant have him categorized as “self” along with champions such as Executioner because Executioner self buffs and does not have a choice to buff on other.

  29. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (31)Ayumilove Post author

    @Talex: Defense Mastery “Retribution” and “Counterattack” buff does not lower your turns when they retaliate the enemy attack.

  30. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (32)Talex

    If the passive counter attack(chance) has been triggered from MASTERIES, will that lower that lowered my turns?

  31. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (33)antonni9801

    1) leader 2) top middle 3) bottom middle 4) top left 5) bottom left

  32. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (34)antonni9801

    @Virus and @Ayumilove the counter attack order is based on the order you placed your champions in the line up. Your Apoth attacks first because he is the team leader, then the champion on top in the middle, then the champion lowest in the middle, then the champion on top an to the left and then the champion lowest to the left. It is not based on speed.
    The order can also be seen here

  33. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (35)Ayumilove Post author

    @Virus: Check the total speed of all the champions. The one that hit first in the Counter Attack has the highest total speed. If there are 2 champions of the same speed, the one with the highest base speed will go first.

  34. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (36)Virus

    Hey there. How do I make sure that a specific champion counter attacks first if more than one champion has counter attack buff and they get hit by an Aoe. I use foli, athel, apoth, skull crusher and queen eva for fire knight. So whenever skullcrusher places a counter attack and the fire knight hits an Aoe, apoth goes first, followed by athel, queen and then foli. I want foli to go before queen so that I can break his shield and apply heal reduction from queen’s A1 but that never happens and this sequence never changes.

  35. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (37)Ayumilove Post author

    @Tabitha-Lee: I missed your comment from my dashboard. Sorry for the late reply. Marquis could be quite powerful as a defensive crowd control champion. However, his weaknesses is his skill damage doesn’t scale with his DEF stat but ATK stat. This means he couldn’t help speed up the Dungeon run as he could not clear them quickly. If you do not have any better Demonspawn Champion, you could use him early on to survive the waves in Dungeons/Campaign/Faction Wars to get the 3 Stars. Regarding Magister, his A1 is useful only for Attack role champion. He randomly places this buffs to your ally, which does not make it quite useful for Supportive/Defensive champions. 10% Heal is very little for 4 turns cooldown. He doesn’t revive champions but places a Revive on Death buff on the ally champion. Keep the Legendaries, they might get buffed soon. You will need to create threads on the forum and reddit to promote it, so the Plarium Dev gets pressured in getting it fixed, similarly to Septimus AI that is has issues for about a year.

  36. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (38)Tabitha-Lee

    @Ayumilove – thank you so much for your quick answer.

    I know that you have to wait for a skill to cool down. That seems so common sense for me that I did not think of it. Again thanks.

    I have got another question. I might find the answer myself. Problem is the limited energy I have. Not much space for experiments. My questions are regarding some Champions. One is Marquis. He is void and has counterattack and AoE as A4. I do not see ppl fight much with him. Is he that bad?

    Also I wonder about Magister from High Elfs, Apothecaries little brother so to speak.

    You only gave him one star everywhere but he can resurrect a champ, is healer and can attack all enemies. Why is he so bad in your opinion? I do not have energy enough till now to test him myself and since you gave him only 1 star everywhere the more I hesitate testing him.

    Also I got soo bad Legendaries. I do not use them much. Should I use them as food?

    Thank you for your answers in advance. Well appreciated.

  37. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (39)Ayumilove Post author

    @Tabitha-Lee: CD is an abbreviation for Cooldown. This means once a champion skill is being used, it needs to wait for 3 turns before they can reuse the skill again. Equipment retaliation success rate does not stack with Skill retaliation success rate. It is being calculated and triggered separately.

  38. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (40)Tabitha-Lee

    Hey there,
    first of all thank you for your amazing site.
    I have a question regarding counterattack. I red on reedit from Mihelm: you should know all counter skill heroes with maxed skills need 3 turn CD for their counter skill. What does CD mean?
    Also I do have the same question Dongle has. Does it stack or be influenced by the Retaliation (25% Chance when hit) or Avenger (30%-Chance when hit with critical hit) Armor?

    Thanks in advance.

  39. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (41)Dongle

    Does the counter attack buff stack with counter attack sets? will my champ counter attack twice if both trigger?

  40. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (42)Ayumilove Post author

    @Sir Krulcik: Yes, your champion will always use his default skill to counter attack enemies. If that particular champion default skill is AoE attack, then it will attack all enemies in battle.

  41. Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (43)Sir Krulcik

    Hey, quick question with the counter attacking.

    If my champion counter-attacks and his first ability is AOE oh, will he use that AOE in the counterattack? Specifically asking about Basilisk. Trying to think of a build for him.

Counterattack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove (2024)
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