Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (2024)

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  • M

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (1)

    Excerpt from a Micro Cap Daily Article February 2021

    Recs: 0
    Below is another great reason to be involved as a shareholder....many new possibilities in the near future!

    Netlist (NLST) headquartered in Irvine, California, is a leading provider of high-performance modular memory subsystems to the world’s premier OEMs. Netlist specializes in hybrid memory – the merging of DRAM and NAND flash raw materials to create memory solutions. The Company’s patented memory technologies provide superior performance, and high density in a cost-efficient solution. Netlist has a long history of being the first to market with disruptive new products such as the first load-reduced DIMM, HyperCloud®, based on Netlist’s distributed buffer architecture later adopted by the industry for DDR4 LRDIMM. Netlist was also the first to bring NAND flash to the memory channel with its NVvault® NVDIMM. These innovative products built on Netlist’s early pioneering work in areas such as embedding passives into printed circuit boards to free up board real estate, doubling densities via quad-rank double data rate (DDR) technology, and other off-chip technology advances that result in improved performance and lower costs compared to conventional memory. Netlist continues this tradition with the introduction of HybriDIMM, the industry’s first Storage Class Memory product built on commodity DRAM and flash. HybriDIMM is the first SCM product to operate in current Intel® x86 servers without BIOS and hardware changes, and the first unified DRAM-NAND solution that scales memory to terabyte storage capacities and accelerates storage to nanosecond memory speeds. Netlist first gained attention back in 2015 when the Company announced a partnership with Samsung to produce and commercialize its NVDIMM-N solution, HyperVault / NVvault. At the time the product was considered as a potential 3D XPoint alternative.

    Netlist holds a portfolio of patents, many seminal, in the areas of hybrid memory, storage class memory, rank multiplication and load reduction, among others. The strength of Netlist’s patent portfolio reflects its many years of research and development and track record of bringing disruptive new products to market. The Company has over 130 issued and pending U.S. and foreign patents. Netlist has been monetizing its intellectual property through a combination of product sales and licensing, royalty and other revenue-producing arrangements. With state-of-the-art, wholly owned, ISO- and OSHAS-certified manufacturing and testing facilities in Suzhou, China, Netlist’s strategy is to marry its unique board-level intellectual property with a thorough understanding of semiconductor building blocks and system-level applications to deliver performance, cost, and time-to-market advantages to OEMs.

  • T

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (2)

    Could Netlist Overcome the Bear Moment?

    The American market is taking the rise in interest rates badly (it was pretty obvious) and more and more famous companies like Shopify, palantir, meta etc are suffering heavy losses on the stock market.
    These market reversals are the biggest opportunity to position yourself correctly in companies with excellent fundamentals and undervalued.
    Netlist is the winning bet with unique potential.
    At fundamental levels we are still at the beginning but what we can see is that there is a strong positive sentiment and this sentiment is due to the numerous victories in court against samsung, micron and google.
    The thing that really makes us feel calm and happy is the ability of the netlist lawyers to value this company and it seems that several judges have confirmed this value by encouraging the parties to find an agreement and almost confirming the netlist's victory.

    Timing is essential and a few weeks late has led to a significant collapse of the shares because in OTC just a few volumes are enough to create volatility and sometimes it is really negative.
    2022 or 2023?
    The big dilemma for us shareholders is to evaluate when there will be official agreements between netlists and these mega companies.
    I think it is more concrete to talk about 2022 for several reasons such as:
    - the enormous cost (time and materials) to find a new patent that equals and surpasses the netlist patents (currently better on the market or would not have been used so much and often)
    - Ethics, these giants do not know the word ethics but as in the case of sk hynix, it is much better to have them as main commercial partners because they are an added value and a sponsor to be mentioned anytime and anywhere
    - Netlist is improving and innovating therefore it is convenient for these multinationals to invest in netlists and get correct agreements also because netlist could with these victories in court exclude its patents definitively from samsung and micron to give exclusivity to competitors and maybe be enhanced.
    (like microsoft bing with google? never say never even if I prefer google as a partner)

    Let's speculate a little.
    CEO Hong clearly said that samsung is worth double sk hynix in size while micron is similar to the latter so we can expect at least $ 1 billion from micron and samsung in total.
    Yes, they are conservative numbers but I prefer to be surprised rather than feel bad.
    Netlist should use sheashy (the lawyer) to find special agreements as in the sk case.
    One thing is certain, we have to get cash and IP licenses because doing so would greatly improve the fundamentals of this company and the stock market value would skyrocket.
    I expect from samsung and micron at least 150 million IP licenses per year.

    I think there is also interest in marketing CXL hybridimm with samsung to create more fomo and I think there is also interest in signing an agreement for samsung niche products.

    Do you want to make money?
    You have to find a need and solve it with your product.
    Netlist must absolutely bet everything on CXL hybridimm and other products.
    We need brilliant arrangements and show them to everyone as a trophy.

    The google case?

    Victory that would lead netlist to eternal glory peche 'this company has been waiting for a lifetime to be able to close this case and above all because there would be past damages + future licenses.
    Google needs us and we need hundreds of millions of dollars in annual licenses to scale us up.

    Either 2022 or 2023, exponential growth in revenues and profits.

    - IP licenses, as I said earlier I expect at least $ 150 million from IP licenses at least from samsung and microns.
    From google I expect at least another $ 200 million a year and with a steady growth of 15/20%

    Much, too much? Do your research

    - Selling netlist products, it is essential to market dozens of different products in different niches to increase sales and customers.
    Being able to find
    I REPEAT, these are all possible figures and they are estimates so do your check

  • S

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (3)

    New SA article:
    Netlist (OTCQB:NLST) is an incredibly promising "lottery stock" that could have potentially huge growth. Recently, a key court decision was pushed back that moved back the growth timeline.

    Netlist is a technology company based in Irvine, California that primarily produces SSD and memory technology. The stock is currently listed OTC after being delisted from the NASDAQ a few years ago where the stock subsequently fell to less than $.20. Currently, the stock has a share price of $6.94 and a market cap of just under $1.6 billion. On the news of the change in the court date, the stock fell about 18% from being up on the day to finish down 12% on the day.

    Earlier I wrote a broad summary on Netlist and talked more in-depth about the major patent infringement case they are currently in with Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL). I believe the Google case will end up being the biggest one in history. Back in 2009, Netlist sued Google with the claim that Google was building servers with this technology. As Agni Research wrote, "The judge in the case ordered a random cross-section of servers to be examined which showed that Google indeed was using technology described in the 912 patent." Google was caught red-handed using the technology.

    Additionally, I wrote about how Netlist just increased their potential payout in a lawsuit on October 25th by being granted summary judgments against Samsung Electronics (OTC:SSNLF) for the breaching of a contract between the two companies from November 2015.

    Claim 16
    The key court decision was about something called Claim 16. The biggest lawsuit Netlist is against Google over the infringement of their '912 patent. This patent has been fully vetted through all methods at the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the United States Court System. This means that a licensing deal or a lawsuit will happen about the use of this technology going forward by Google and many other players in the technology world about the technology.

    Now, we get to the importance of Claim 16. The use of this technology has been established for the future going forward. The reason I say going forward and keep emphasizing it is because Claim 16 is about the use of the technology going back before 2020. In essence, over the years throughout the multiple legal challenges of the '912 patent, Netlist changed some parts of the patent. Google claims that they are not liable for use of the technology from 2020 going back because the patent was changed. However, Netlist claims that they are still liable even if the patent has changed a little.

    The importance of this decision cannot be understated. This decision is worth potentially billions of dollars in settlement money. While Netlist is still in a very good position going forward with its patent portfolio for licensing deals and the sale of products, it will be in a much better position of leverage if they have a positive decision on Claim 16.

    Some important things to note about this case, the first being the judge is the same judge that presided over their 2009 case in which a random check of Google's servers was requested. Second, the Netlist lawyer team has submitted a partial summary judgment proposal based on prior precedent at the United States Court of Appeals in the Federal Circuit.

    The Announcement
    The hearing of intervening rights for Claim 16 was supposed to take place on November 10th and I was predicting that the case would be over by the end of the year. However, this all changed when it was announced that due to a scheduling conflict was delayed.

    The Effect
    The immediate effect was the 18% drop in the stock price which led to the stock finishing the day down 12%. While this is very frustrating for investors in Netlist, especially ones hoping to flip shares quickly on the back of this decision, in the long run, it does not change a thing. Netlist still has the same incredibly promising court case for potentially billions of dollars and it still has a bright future with its patent portfolio.

    While it is easy to see the negative in the delay, one positive is they could be delaying to simply give the parties more time to settle on their own outside of the court. I think this is a possible scenario and would be very positive.

    Netlist is in a great position still, between the new case that can be made against Samsung and in their ongoing lawsuit against Google. While the recent setback is very frustrating the core investment thesis of the company remains the same. People will have to be a little bit patient and wait for the court decision longer on Claim 16, but the promise of the decision remains the same. I am still very bullish, simply, my timeline has been pushed back.

  • s

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (4)

    These are some positives I see for Netlist going forward; chime in if you have any additional insights

    1) SK Hynix supplying $600Mil in chip supplies for future growth/profitability.
    2) SK Hynix providing technical assistance to NLST in developing next-gen Storage Class Memory (see 10)
    3) NLST has $58.5Mil in cash (more than after IPO) for business, R&D, & to enforce patents
    4) NLST has Micron patent infringement case in Texas (favorable venue)
    5) NLST has Google willful infringement case (looking positive): could be historic
    6) Samsung lost its patent license in court (will have to negotiate new agreement)
    7) NLST seminal patents (rank multiplication and load reduction) will continue to be used in DDR5
    8) NLST has licensing opportunities in NVDIMMs, High Bandwidth Memory (HBM), and SSDs.
    9) NLST's patents in power management will be included in notebook, desktop & embedded computing
    10) NLST is making significant investments in their AC controller/software: expected to be a enormous market
    11) Box builders are now building with direction from end customers benefitting HPC companies like NLST
    12) NLST can now target top enterprise customer pool (high margins/recurring orders/long lifecycles)
    13) NLST commenced mass production of Gen4 SSDs. Their superior performance and good supply will place them in a strong competitive position in this space going into 2022.
    14) Dodo will lose more money this year than last year (I mean, "he'll lose more money THEN last year". Oooppps, I shouldn't OF said that, hehehe).

  • T

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (5)

    - netlist has only to gain from these judicial battles.
    - prices follow profits and this means that only with the sk hynix agreement the current marketcap is more than justified.
    - The position of samsung and micron is losing and consequently within weeks / months we will also read positive news regarding these two hot and very important cases for us.
    - the google case is already closed, now or March 2022 nothing changes, the case is won by netlist and now we can only hypothesize the number of money netlist will earn.
    If you invest in netlists remember that this company is launching its new CXL product which is ready to dominate the market in the coming years.
    Besides this product netlist is collaborating with celestica for the creation and sale of supercomputers and this means that netlist is entering interesting market niches.
    Billions of dollars are needed to finance a business plan and this is the perfect time to invest.
    I add that the united states is ready to finance semiconductor companies and netlists could grow exponentially and could see high profits!

  • a

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (6)

    Netlist added mediation attorney Jason Sheasby.

    Described in Chambers USA as having “a remarkable ability to come up with creative solutions,” Jason Sheasby focuses on complex litigation, patents, trade secrets, antitrust, regulatory compliance and internal investigations. His experience spans a wide range of industries, including bio/pharmaceuticals, medical devices, semiconductors, telecommunications, electronics, higher education and healthcare.

    As an example of the wide diversity of his practice, in a single year, Jason was hired by a client post-trial to successfully reverse the largest patent verdict in history ($2.5 billion in a medicinal chemistry matter) and also obtained a $400 million jury verdict against the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the world.

    In another 12-month period, Jason obtained findings of infringement, validity and willfulness in each of three separate jury trials, with verdicts totaling more than $800 million. In the most recent one, he secured a $500 million verdict against Apple for damages over a period of 19 months in the first patent jury trial of the COVID-19 pandemic. The jury also found that Apple was willful and must pay an ongoing royalty. During this same period, Jason obtained a dismissal with prejudice of a multi-count antitrust and unfair competition complaint that accused his client and others of participating in a cartel and group boycott.

    While at Harvard Law School, Jason was a research assistant for Professor Arthur Miller and helped to revise Federal Practice & Procedure, the leading treatise on civil procedure.

    Jason is repeatedly named in industry awards including the Daily Journal’s “Top 100 Lawyers” and “Top IP Litigators,” The National Law Journal’s “Winning Litigators” list, and Law360’s “Trials MVPs

  • T

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (7)

    Netlist inc is quickly raising the bar and more and more high-end companies are opening their eyes.
    Netlist is one of the most followed and appreciated OTC companies.
    Let's talk seriously, who really cares about today's value of stocks?
    What matters is that netlist wins and gets a mix of deals that make this company profitable in the long term.
    Is Sk hynix making us profit?
    On the stock exchange, although it was a disappointing agreement for everyone, few have understood that the winning point is the marketing of CXL hybridimm.
    Closing 3 cases in a few months is equivalent to taking a small / medium-range company to a new level, a very high level.
    - 4 court cases (sk hynix, micron, samsung and google)
    - possible direct agreements with technology companies to provide the highest quality products (netflix)
    - Possible partnerships (see celestica and see inphi / marvell)
    - Possible expansion of netlists in the semiconductor sector with self-production of NLST products
    - Possible state incentives
    - Possible revaluation of the netlist brand in the world (therefore we shareholders)

  • o

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (8)

    Reposting of public knowledge.. Netlist uses IP leverage for $40 million licence with SK hynix and a key supply agreement

    With much of the semiconductor industry facing a supply crunch, US-based Netlist has used its recent courtroom gains to agree a purchase deal as well as a patent licence with its long-time litigation opponent
    Earlier this week Netlist and SK hynix announcedthesettlement to bring a long-running five-year patent fightto an end.
    Under the terms of the deal, the pair have agreed a cross licence. Netlist is granting its Korean rival a worldwide licence to part of its portfolio related to memory technologies. In return SK hynix will pay its recent courtroom opponent $40 million.
    But there wasanother interesting element to the deal: the pair also signed a supply agreement by which Netlist is entitled to purchase up to $600 million of memory products from SK hynix.
    On a call with analysts, Netlist CEO C K Hong praised the extent of the deal: “In all this is a broad strategic partnership which encompasses patents, products and technology that opens up many avenues of synergistic growth.”
    He added that the company remainsin litigation with Google and Samsung, before stressing that:“We are committed to increasing the value of our intellectual property and licensing it on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms to other implementers.”
    But in discussing the details of the deal, Hong was particularly keen to talk up the benefits of the supply part of the agreement against the backdrop of growing constraints across much of the semiconductor sector.
    “The worldwide chip shortage has been well documented in recent weeks and memory and storage chips are no exception,” Hong explained. He went onto cite analysts’ predictions for a continued shortage in DRAM and NAND components through next year and underlined that the deal would allow Netlist to “secure significant volume of hynix products” for both integration into the business’s existing products and for re-sale.
    “Given the prevailing market conditions and the business terms of this agreement, we believe that the access to scarce memory chips will provide a significant boost to our product business going forward,” Hong stated.
    The shortages in the semiconductor industry come as the demand for chips across a range of sectors has met with several disruptions, such as the covid pandemic and geopolitical tensions between the US and China. Notably, that has caused some companies such as GM and other major OEMs in the auto sector to make production cutbacks.
    The agreement between the companies came together after two key legal milestones fell Netlist’s way: a claim construction order in March in litigation between the pair in the Western District of Texas; and a February decision from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit which denied SK hynix’s attempts to move that WDTX suit to the Northern District of California.
    At a more settled time for the semiconductor space, those decisions might have prompted Netlist to increase its expectations in terms of any licensing pay-out. While $40 million in the bank will come as a timely boost to the company, which reported net sales of $47.2 million in 2020, the constraints in the global chip market clearly led it to place more weight on the supply side of the deal.
    In size terms, Netlist is a fairly small IP player with over 130 issued and pending US and foreign patents according to its most recent annual report. That makes it a minnow in the semiconductor industry where several companies boast portfolios that stretch into the tens of thousands of assets.
    Against the backdrop of the turmoil in the industry, one of the interesting things to track will be the extent to which shortages in key components may impact the web of licensing deals that exist among the leading players. While many not be able to replicate the Netlist deal, semiconductor portfolios right now are only looking more valuable.

  • H

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (9)

    Netlist Receives Favorable Claim Construction Order in Case Against SK hynix
    8:02 AM ET 3/16/21 | Dow Jones

    IRVINE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 16, 2021 / Netlist, Inc. (OTCQB:NLST) today announced that the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas (the "Court") issued a claim construction order in Civil Action Nos. 6:20-cv-00194-ADA and 6:20-cv-00525-ADA relating to the patent infringement case against SK hynix and its RDIMM and LRDIMM enterprise memory products.

    The Court sided with Netlist on the definition of key claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 9,858,218, 10,474,595 and 10,217,523. The claim construction order serves as the framework from which the jury will ultimately decide if the patents are valid and infringed, and therefore represents a critical juncture in the case.

    "Overall, we are quite pleased with the order, which was favorable to Netlist with regard to each patent term that the Court assessed from all three of the asserted patents," said Netlist's Chief Licensing Officer, Marc Frechette. "In our view, the Court's well-reasoned decision either adopts Netlist's proposed constructions verbatim, or accurately captures our understanding of the patent claims. As a result, we believe this interpretation of the patents puts us in a strong position with respect to infringement and validity."

    The case will now move into the discovery and pre-trial phase with a jury trial scheduled for July 6, 2021.

    The claim construction order is available through the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) website.

  • In a few months from now, media, tech-experts and investors will publicly discuss the question: „To which extend is Google’s success based on intellectual property stolen from a small unknown company Netlist? This is the matter of an ongoing court case which after 13 years will soon end and answer this question. Investors of Netlist may see their investment multiplied by factor to be determined soon.“

  • M

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (11)

    Thought this Arete tech conference was very important and not mentioned enough. I want to remind investors new and old alike why they invested in this company. Please read my breakdown of this incredible conference...

    Part 1.

    •Netlist Arete Tech Conference 2021:

    Summary of QA Discussion:

    oTopic 1: Business Update

    oChuck’s Response:

    •Netlist has been in business for over 20 years
    •In that time, they’ve shipped over a billion dollars worth of product to major OEMs (Dell, IBM, HP, Apple, etc)
    •Products that are designed and manufactured mostly pertain to the area of customized memory that targets the high-performance computing and data center enterprise market
    •Netlist has a portfolio of IP patents that cover high end memory technology and is in the process of licensing them out to other technology companies
    •In recent years, Netlist has been working on an alternative memory technology (HybridDIMM) for the recently emerging CXL (Computer Express Link) bus (a standard interconnection between central processing unit to device and central processing unit to memory that is designed to accelerate next-gen data center performance)

    oTopic 2: Key Changes in the Memory Sector

    oChuck’s Response:

    •The memory sector is a good market to be in from an investor’s perspective
    •DRAM manufacturers and major OEMs are doing well in this sector. Chuck describes this sector having a “consolidated supply base”
    •Mentions DRAM technology used to scale in density “like clockwork” every two years when he first started; Now, DRAM technology density scaling has slowed to almost 7-8 years due to physics limitations. This has limited supply output recently, affecting the dynamics within the overall market. Density scaling (sub 10nm) comes with high costs and supply constraints.
    •Hence, most companies are investing in NAND for scaling (3D vertical scaling appears to be more cost effective than DRAM planar scaling, which is more expensive)
    •The demand for DRAM will continue to increase, all computations that are being done in the cloud are being done by DRAM based systems and not NAND based systems
    •DRAM is not keeping up with CPU speeds (not keeping up with application requirements for CPU speeds)
    •DRAM technology will flatten out at some point. Hence, more alternative memory technologies are coming out such as 3DXpoint, facechange memory, MRAM (None of which are currently perfect replacements for DRAM, but will act initially as a supplement to DRAM). These emerging technologies may be more prevalent in the DRAM market by the second half of this decade.

    oTopic 3: Netlist’s support of Cloud business for Data Center Customers vs. Enterprise Customers

    oChuck’s Response:

    •When Netlist got into the memory industry years ago, it was mostly dominated by OEM customers.
    •Now, data centers (hyperscalers) are taking up a bigger portion of DRAM demand.
    •Hyperscalers can control the type of DRAM to suit the needs of their applications (both hardware and software) where traditional OEMs cannot. Traditional OEMs require “a very broad envelope of performance and quality in the memory”
    •Hyperscalers have very specific applications that do not require the latest in DRAM or memory technology
    •Hyperscalers tend to stick with existing technologies longer compared to OEMs that tend to move with the current market

    oTopic 4: DDR4 to DDR5 Transition

    oChuck’s Response:

    •Systems designed for DDR5 will not be introduced until late this year into early next year
    •DDR5 will be able to deliver up to 2X the data rates and memory bandwidths of DDR4
    •Cost will be an issue for mainstream adoption of DDR5. Costs will probably not come down until 2024 or 2025. Mainly dependent on the customer if they want to adopt DDR5 to increase their memory bandwidth and are willing to pay a premium for the new technology.
    •DDR5 will initially start out at 32 mega transfers per second and will eventually go to 4800 mega transfers per second. Once you get into these higher speeds for DDR5, DRAM speeds cannot keep up with CPU speeds. Also, the number of dimms per socket will decrease at the higher speeds at DDR5 because the server will only be able to support 12 – 16 dimm sockets. (Summary of challenge of DDR5: “you have less places to put DRAM memory in a server”)
    •Solutions to provide the same capacity of memory (DDR5): build stack chips; which can be quite expensive. Hbms (mostly used on graphics cards) which is also expensive.
    •As speeds of DDR5 memory go up, “the capacity of memory in a system in the main memory will decline significantly”

    oTopic 5: DRAM Sector (memory channels)

    oChuck’s Response:

    •The need for DRAM is not going to change because the cloud and computational storage require memory
    •If demand for DRAM still exists yet there are not enough sockets to place the DRAM memory, then the key will be to utilize CXL (memory channel)

  • d

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (12)

    In the JDLA, Netlist provided Samsung a fully-paid license to Netlist’s broad patent portfolio (for which Netlist had demanded a substantial amount), as well as Netlist’s joint research and development efforts. In exchange, Samsung expressly agreed that Samsung “will supply NAND and DRAM products to Netlist on Netlist’s request at a competitive price”—an unambiguous, mandatory supply obligation. That mandatory supply obligation—memorialized in in Section 6.2—was the most important right that Netlist obtained in the JDLA. It gave Netlist a guaranteed, dependable source of vital memory chip products (often in short supply), upon which Netlist would rely in maintaining and growing its customer relationships and downstream business. And it required Samsung to prioritize Netlist over other (often larger) customers without similar agreements in place. Samsung’s attempt in this litigation to read that mandatory supply obligation out of the JDLA contradicts not only the unambiguous plain language of Section 6.2, but also the parties’ conduct under the JDLA as well as Samsung’s internal written admissions—before litigation arose—proving that Samsung did, in fact, have the very same interpretation of this provision as Netlist.

  • p

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (13)

    Any connection with NLST
    From Motley Fool, 5-26 2022:
    NVDA Data center remains on fire,
    Data center remains on fire, with revenue soaring 83% year over year.
    The data center segment generated the highest amount of revenue for the company.
    Netlist,Inc.designs,manufactures,andsellsarange oflogic-based

  • o

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (14)

    NLST Stock: Netlist Catalysts Are Coming

    Joshua Rodriguez
    2 months ago

    <img width="900" height="599" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="Netlist NLST Stock News">

    Netlist, Inc. (OTCMKTS: NLST) is screaming for the top in market this morning, but with no press releases or SEC filings, many are wondering what’s going on. The retail investing community is buzzing on social media about multiple upcoming catalysts that could send the stock flying.
    Here’s what’s happening:
    Skip to What You Want to Read
    •What Is Netlist?
    •Several Catalysts on the Horizons
    •What Analysts Think About NLST Stock
    •Risks to Consider Before Buying NLST Stock
    •Final Thoughts
    What Is Netlist?
    Netlist is a tech company that’s focused on memory and storage. The company has several products on the books, but the real value seems to be in the company’s intellectual property.
    Recently, NLST has experienced several sources of validation for the strength of its intellectual property, which those on social media believe will generate significant settlements in the near term, and revenue from licensing agreements in the long term.
    The big story here however, seems to be the catalysts investors are looking forward to.
    Several Catalysts on the Horizons
    On social media, the retail investing community is pointing to several catalysts coming for NLST and its shareholders.
    At the end of the day, Netlist is working hard to protect its intellectual property. The two biggest points of litigation for the company are Google and SK Hynix, both of which investors believe will end up paying massive settlements.
    Moreover, if you don’t think NLST is big enough to fight with big players in tech, you’re sorely mistaken. In fact, the 912 patent held by the company was fully validated and reissued last month with 78 claims upheld against Google.
    So, it’s clear that Google will be working out a settlement deal, which many on social media believe will be announced within the next week.
    Importantly, this patent validation is likely a catalyst on its own for NLST. As a result of the fact that the patent was fully validated through the Federal Appeals court means that the company can look forward to licensing and royalty deals, which will ultimately drive significant revenues.
    At the same time, Google and SK Hynix aren’t the only topics of conversation here. In fact, the CEO of the company recently said that it was actively engaged with other infringers on licensing through potential litigation. As a result, the Google and SK Hynix settlements that are likely coming down the line very soon may just be the beginning.
    There’s also quite a bit of talk about the CXL Hybridimm product. In a recent statement, the CEO of the company pointed to talks with potential partners, stating that a partner would be a major strategic customer for the product that would come in as a potential investor to partner on the technology. So, there’s yet another catalyst on the horizon.
    At the same time, NLST pointed to the fact that it has made new inroads with military and emerging edge customers. So, those watching the stock should be on the lookout for announcements having to do with new customer acquisition.
    If that’s not enough by way of catalysts on the horizon, Netlist doesn’t intend to let you down. In fact, in the next few months, the company is expecting to launch its fourth generation SSDs, yet another major announcement to look forward to.
    All told, between patent infringement litigation, licensing deals that are likely on the horizon, product partnerships, product launches, and potential military customer announcements, well, if you’re not paying attention to this one yet, you may just miss the boat!

  • D

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (15)

    Case 2:09-cv-06900-FMO-RNB Document 103 Filed 07/22/21 Page 1 of 8 Page ID #:1912
    NETLIST, INC., A Delaware
    Case No. 2:09-cv-06900-FMO(RNBx)
    Honorable Fernando M. Olguin
    A. Netlist Proposal This case has been stayed for over a decade of extensive post-grant review proceedings challenging the validity of, among others, the asserted ’912 Patent. After the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit endorsed the validity of the reexamined claims of the ’912 Patent, the Patent and Trademark Office issued a Reexamination Certificate on February 8, 2021. Several days after this, successor counsel for Netlist appeared in this matter on February 12, 2021. Successor counsel for Netlist only received the case file from predecessor counsel—in hard copy file boxes—a week before the filing of the Parties’ last Joint Status Report. In view of the current procedural posture and circ*mstances of this case, Netlist respectfully requests that (1) the case be reopened, and (2) a CMC convene at which a scheduling order, hopefully mutually agreed among the parties, could be considered and entered by this Court. To the extent the issue of intervening rights might be amenable to early determination, Netlist would be willing to explore that option, along with some limited accompanying discovery to enable a candid assessment by each side of the claims and defenses following the Reexamination Certificate of the ’912 Patent. Finally, Netlist does not believe that substantive briefing of the kind Inphi includes in its portion of this filing belongs in a Joint Status Report of this nature, but reserves the right to respond to these arguments when it is necessary and appropriate.
    B. Inphi Proposal As noted in the last joint status report, Netlist, in its First Amended Complaint filed in 2009, asserted that Inphi sold “components used in computer memory modules that incorporate the Netlist technology claimed in the ‘537 Patent, ‘912 Patent, and ‘274 Patent. The allegedly infringing products include but are not limited to the Inphi’s Isolation Memory Buffer or ‘iMB’” (First Amended Complaint ¶ 8). The First Amended Complaint did not identify any specific claim of these Asserted Patents that was infringed, instead generically alleging infringement of the patents. (First Amended Complaint ¶¶ 8-20). To date, Netlist has failed to identify any specific claim of the Asserted Patents that was allegedly infringed by any Inphi product, the iMB in particular. The Reexamination proceedings involving the Asserted Patents concluded that all claims of the ‘274 patent are invalid, all claims of the ‘537 patent that remain were substantively amended with additional limitations, and could not have been the basis for the original infringement allegations, and from the ‘912 patent, other than formerly dependent claims 16 and 17, all claims that remain were substantively amended with additional limitations, and could not have been the basis for the original infringement allegations. As to dependent claims 16 and 17, dependent claim 16 was amended into independent form during the reexamination, and there exists a defense of intervening rights with respect to claims 16 and 17. These facts demonstrate that there cannot be infringement and Netlist has not provided facts to show otherwise. The Inphi iMB is a semiconductor chip, which has many different functions in it that are selectively available for use, but clearly does not include limitations that the reexamined patent claims require. For the Court’s convenience, Inphi includes the example of non-infringement of now independent claim 16 of the ‘912 patent provided in the last joint status report. As seen below, there are a host of claim limitations that are plainly not part of the Inphi iMB as shown in the underlined and bolded elements below that are not met, without even bringing up technical specifications that lead to other non- infringement defenses: While Inphi still believes that early summary judgment of non-infringement and intervening rights is appropriate, those may be unnecessary if there is no basis for any allegations, and as such if the Court is inclined to re-open the case, Inphi respectfully requests that the Court require Netlist to identify the allegedly infringed claims and provide evidence to support the filing of the original complaint.
    III. CONCLUSION Counsel for Netlist and Inphi request that the Court move this case forward based upon the above proposals, in a manner that the Court determines appropriate.

    Dated: July 22, 2021 MINTZ LEVIN COHN FERRIS GLOVSKY & POPEO, P.C. By: /s/ Nada I. Shamonki Nada I. Shamonki Attorneys for Plaintiff NETLIST, INC. Dated: July 22, 2021 PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAW PITTMAN LLP By: /s/ Carolyn S. Toto Carolyn S. Toto Attorneys for Defend

  • T

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (16)

    Netlist could become a major player within 2030?

    Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Irvine, California, Netlist is a leading provider of high-performance modular memory subsystems to the world’s premier OEMs. Netlist specializes in hybrid memory - the merging of DRAM and NAND flash raw materials to create memory solutions.

    Netlist holds a portfolio of patents (> 130), many seminal, in the areas of hybrid memory, storage class memory, rank multiplication and load reduction, among others. The strength of Netlist's patent portfolio reflects its many years of research and development and track record of bringing disruptive new products to market.

    This company has a long history, has a lot of experience in the semiconductor industry and has top players like CEO hong or VP gandhi.

    Could Netlist Become a Major Player by 2030?

    The answer is yes, it could.
    The Californian company is bringing to trial as many as 3 big players in the sector such as Samsung, micron and google and has signed an agreement this year with sk hynix (the second largest memory chip manufacturer in the world) for a sum of 640 million . on paper.
    Everyone expects that by closing these three deals within a few months, netlist could find billions of dollars of complete package between cash, IP licensing and product supply in their hands.

    But to become a major player it is necessary that netlist can offer top player products in a market compared to the current one.

    Netlist brings to the plate a truly efficient product:
    N1962 of the Gen4 NVMe SSD is for example a top-of-the-range product beating the competition from Samsung, Intel and Kioxia with these following performances:
    - sequential write (128k) -Netlist (1) 6500MB / s vs intel (2) 4300MB / s
    - random Read (4k) - Netlist (first) 1.65 million IOPS vs samsung (second) 1.45 million IOPS and kioxia (third) 1.4 million IOPS.

    This is certainly a product that will find a lot of space in this market niche and will almost certainly be a winning bet in the long run.

    This industry has little competition and this is not absolutely positive because when there is little competition we find less progress and more play between the big players to keep the mega market shares in possession.
    It is no coincidence that Intel has been accused several times of not releasing winning products and this slows down progress.

    Another netlist winning product could be CXL hybridimm.
    Netlist is truly at the forefront with unique performance by reducing energy costs and consumption and increasing performance.

    Unfortunately in the latest CC netlist itself it stated that the product launch CXL h. there will be between 2023 and early 2024 so we are not yet close to this great leap forward but the collaboration with Sk hynix could reduce the times even if what matters is that this product really works and completely changes the market.
    Cxl hybridimm is to all intents and purposes the biggest chance for netlisting.

    Finally, let's talk about the Netlist patents which today are the real gold that this company owns but which to date is not yet exploiting due to the large intentional violations of Samsung, micron, google and the same sk hynix.
    Fortunately for investors, the first to fall and to confirm the great value of patents 523, 595 and 218 which brought 40 million cash + a 5-year agreement with a minimum total value of $ 600 million in supply of products (some of which are currently in great demand).

    (First part, the second in the first comment)

  • G

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (17)

    Really much higher.
    “Roth Capital analyst Suji Desilva raised the firm's price target on Netlist (NLST) to $1.00 from 40c and keeps a Buy rating on the shares after the company announced that the federal appeals court affirmed a prior PTAB ruling regarding the validity of its '912 patent that applies to DDR server memory modules. Desilva sees the favorable patent ruling paving the way to lift a stay on a patent infringement and past damages case against Google (GOOG), the analyst noted.

  • I

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (18)

    The most concrete messages delivered at the NLST ER conference call today:
    - Seeing strong traction for its new nVME SSD
    - Sustainable sales pipeline, we began to grow revenue in Q4 2019
    - There will be robust demand through this year
    - Improvements on both top and bottom line for the next couple of years
    - Factory works in its China facility are back to work, not expecting any negative effect due to Coronavirus
    - ITC Final Decision on April 7th, and then, it will take few months to implement the decision
    - Favorable developments for patent holder companies like Netlist, due to changes at USPTO, PTAB
    - Heading up to common standards on HybriDIMM

  • w

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (19)

    We won a very important step - not only regarding recovery of damaged suffered, but (much) more important, Samsung has lost access to Netlist IP.

    Another very important point: sentiment: once again Netlist has shown to succeed against a giant. We won already several steps at the PTAB/Google, in the SK Hynx case, also Micron expressed already that they would be willing to pay RAND royalties. And now we won the summary judgements against Samsung.

    Every single important step which we won adds significantly to the confidence in the investor community that Netlist will not only succeed, but also consequently profit from the victories.

    Every single important step which we won shows: Netlist, neither gives up, the law in our side (although it takes time to show that) and also the Netlist has hired very professional and good, lawyers.

    Every single important step which we won shows: we can trust in the endurance, good faith, but also long-term strategy of our CEO Hong.

    We won this battle against the largest or second largest chipmaker on this planet. Read the last sentence again. Something big is emerging here. It is a perfect place to put money if one looks for growth, short, mid and long-term opportunity.

  • G

    Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (20)

    Judge Seeborg has already stated that this case was light years older than any other case on his docket. this filing does not even address the discovery issues that were stated at the last hearing especially related to Google assembled products. We learned that from old filings that predated judge Seeborg taking over the case. The fact that he specifically unredacted the sections related to Google assembled products would indicate to me that the judge is interested in Discovery on those issues as well. one other reason we see all the redactions in this document and there is a lot. The entire document and Exhibits Google has hidden with redactions from the public. did you notice in the exhibits all the references to ddr4 and the number purchased is in that filing! if the Judge removes the redactions we will have the first glimpse at how many components Google has purchased. These are the ones they are admitting to. based on past history you know they did not disclose everything. I think the judge is going to deny this and kick it over to judge Spero for Discovery issues. I think he is going to tell Google that if Samsung wanted to enter the case they should have done it a long time ago. it's obvious manipulation and gamesmanship. This meets the definition of racketeering. There is no way Google and Samsung have done this since 2015 when the jdla was signed with Netlist and not intentionally implemented this as a strategy to deprive Netlist of intellectual property rights. Absolutely had to be a coordinated strategy by Google and Samsung.

Netlist, Inc. (NLST) stock forum & discussion – Yahoo Finance (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.